The number of Australians who have pasta-making machines is growing and pasta-making became a more visible trend during COVID lockdowns.
To get the best from their machines and to become regular consumers of ingredients, home pasta-makers need a reliable and high quality durum semolina. Bellata Gold makes life easier and tastier! Satisfy creative home cooks with our gold-standard Duralina.
Stocked by specialists
Our Bellata Gold Duralina is already stocked by leading speciality retailers like Harris Farms, delis and some IGA stores. With reliable supply from our distributors, you can extend your range of gourmet possibilities and profit from this growing niche sector.
Repeat business because it performs
Bellata Gold Duralina lets cooks easily create a strong, pliable, elastic dough, which works very successfully with most electronic and manual pasta makers. The taste, texture and colour impress and make your customers hungry for more!.
5 kilogram bags for the pantry
Our 5-kilogram bag is the ideal size for the home cook who wants to make a few batches of fresh pasta. It should be stored in a cool, dry environment and has a 6 month shelf-life once opened.
New products coming soon
Bellata Gold’s preferred suppliers will soon have access to new fresh pasta products to help share the beautiful Bellata taste with even more customers. Watch this space for a new range in 2022.